
Public Comment by Beatriz Diaz-Pollack – FY25 Illinois State Board of Education Budget Hearing

On Monday, October 30, 2023, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) hosted a public budget hearing to gather input from across the state on the budget for public education in fiscal year 2025 (FY25). ISBE heard from educators, parents, students, community organizations, and other leaders via written statements and in-person and virtual testimony.

Beatriz Diaz-Pollack, Director of Education Equity at Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, provided testimony at the hearing alongside others from the Partnership for Equity and Education Rights Illinois (PEER IL).

Read Beatriz’ testimony here.

PEER IL also submitted a joint written statement – read it here.

“We believe it is ISBE’s responsibility to meet its stated commitment to advancing equity in Illinois’ education system. ISBE has an opportunity to do so by advancing a FY 2025 Budget that demonstrates a meaningful commitment to closing the EBF funding gap, educating state leaders on what providing adequate K-12 education funding will really take, and advocating for ISBE’s most important constituents—public school students.”